hyaluronic acid worrry lines nasolabial folds

smile lines perioral lines hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is naturally present in the dermis of the skin.

In the form of a fluid, it may be injected into the dermis or subcutaneous tissue, in order to fill the lines and wrinkles, but also to restore the lost volumes.

Hyaluronic acid, which is produced by bio-synthesis, is totally resorbable.

Types of injections

Hyaluronic acid can help treat:

● lines and wrinkles: these are the frown lines, wrinkles, “crow’s feet, cheek wrinkles …

● furrows: nasolabial furrows and marionette lines.

● lips injection: fine tune or to make them thicker

● high volume
injection: to increase cheekbones, fill hollow cheeks, delete “valley of tears” redefine facial contours (oval).

pommettes volumes acide hyaluronique Voluma

Volume Restoration:role of hyaluronic acid

Development of a session :

An initial consultation is mandatory. A personal medical interview will analyse any contraindications to the injections of hyaluronic acid.
After having listened carefully to the patient’s wishes, we determine which type of injections is recommended.

You will be given a notice of specific information and a detailed estimate with all products and the number of syringes used for your injection


Before the injection

Taking aspirin within 4 days before the injection is prohibited.
It is however recommended to avoid sun exposure the hours before the injections.



Skin Preparation

Women must come without or a light make-up.

For optimal comfort, it is recommended to apply Emla Cream in thick layer on the treated areas prescribed by the Doctor .

This cream to power local anesthetic is usually sufficient to allow injections procedure without any pain.
In some cases, we advise local anesthesia similar to those which are performed during dental care.


It takes place in our office and lasts between 15 and 30 minutes. It will be preceded by a photo session for essential monitoring to further enjoy the results.
May be associated in the same session different types of injections: fill frown lines and plump cheeks, or inject nasolabial furrows and marionette lines.

At the end of the session, will be given to the patient instructions of massages and sun protection.

● After injections
A rest period of six hours is strongly recommended.
No sun and no aspirin for 48 hours.
Side effects of this injection :
Redness, bruising or swelling are possible.
They usually regress within two or three days.
They can be hidden by specific product (concealer).


The result appears gradually in the days following injection (7-15 days)
The effectiveness of the product will vary depending on the type of the skin, the importance of the furrows and the number of syringes injected. It is the same for the durability of results ranging from 9 to 18 months.

In very rare cases, touch-up will be possible

Cost of an injection session.

During the consultation, a detailed estimate will be provided, in which areas treated will be described, medical fees will be mentioned and the costs of the products (type and number of syringes).

 Société ALLERGAN ,(Production site Pringy,Haute Savoie FRANCE)

Juvéderm 2,Juvéderm 3 Juvéderm 4 VOLUMA VOLIFT

You will find in this information notice : indications, contraindications, possible complications of hyaluronic acid injections into wrinkles.

123RF.com Dzianis Apolka

Vous trouverez dans cette notice toute l’information concernant indications ,contre indications ,complications possibles de la chirurgie esthétique des paupières ou blépharoplastie .Elle est en format PDF et facilement imprimable.

Vous trouverez dans cette notice toute l’information concernant indications ,contre indications ,complications possibles des injections d’acide hyaluronique dans les rides .Elle est en format PDF et facilement imprimable.